Boishakhi TV

Informazioni sul canale


Tipologia: Canale gratuito

Visibilità: Restrizione geografica solo in USA e Canada

Lingua: Bengalese

Genere: News

Sito Web: link

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Boishakhi Television a popular private satellite TV channel in Bangladesh. The Boishakhi Television started their journey with the slogan “Muktejhuder chatonai”. Boishakhi TV provides 24/7 hours News and information entertainment programs. Now it’s become one of the popular TV channel in Bangladesh. Also most popular in Middle East, Europe among the Bengali community. It transmits from its studio in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This channel offers a wide variety of programs including news, movies, drama, talk shows, and more. It currently broadcasts satellite transmissions using Apstar 7 at 76.5°E, which covers most of Asia and parts of Australia


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